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1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 1)

 If you are in 1st year class 

And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out 

Here is some short questions from chapter 1 of 1st year


1. What is meaning of atom? (What is Greek concept of atom)

2. What is Dalton 's theory about atorn? Give modem definition of atom 

3 .Write about subatomic particles

4. What is Berzelius contribution about atom? 

5. What is molecule. Give examples 

6. What are macromolecules? 

7. How cations are formed? 

8. How anions are formed?

9. What are molecular ions? Give examples. How it is generated?

10. What is meant by relative atomic mass and atomic mass unit?

11. Define isotopes. How isotopes differ from one another?

12. Why isotopes have same chemical properties but different physical properties?

13. What are monoisotopic elements. Give examples 

14. Why atomic masses of elements are usually in fractions? 


15. What is mass spectrometer? Write principal of mass spectrometry

16. What is the function of ionization chamber and magnetic field in mass spectrometer? 

17. Define mass spectrum and electrometer

18. Give the names of methods used to separate isotopes.


19. Differentiate b/w empirical & molecular fonnula. What is relation b/w them?

20. Why some compounds have same empirical and molecular fonnula? Also give examples 

21. Write main steps to find empirical / molecular formula

22. What is combustion analysis (Write procedure of combustion analysis)


23. What is relation b/w mole and Avogadro's number (Define Avogadro's number 

24. What is relation b/w mole and mass?

25. One mole of water has two moles of bonds and three moles of atoms Explain 

26. NaCl has 58.5 amu formula mass and not the molecular mass. (Ionic compounds are represented by formula mass but not with molecular mass Give reason)

27. Prove that one mole of carbondioxide , Nitrogen and Hydrogen contain equal number of molecules

28. Explain molar volume with example

29. Why one mole of different gases occupies the same volume? 


30. Define stoichiometry. What relations are studied in it?

31. What are limitations of chemical equations? Write assumptions of stoichiometry

32. What is law of conservation of mass and law of definite proportion? 

33. What are limiting reactants. Give example

34. Why in experimental work one reactant is taken in excess quantity?

35. Amount of products formed in a chemical reaction depend on the limiting reactant. Comment

36. Write steps to identify limiting reactant


37. Differentiate actual and theoretical yield? 

38. How efficiency of a reaction is measured (What is %age yield)?

39. Why actual yield is less than theoretical yield? 


40. Convert 0.5 moles of water in grams.


41. Calculate mass in grams of 10 moles of water. 

42. Calculate number of molecules present in 4.4 g of CO2 

43. 23 g of Na and 39 g of K have equal number of atoins. Justify 

44. What is no. of H+ ions in 9.8 g of H3P04.? 

45. How many molecules of water are in 24 g of ice? 

46. Calculate mass in Kg of 2.6 x 10^23 molecules of SO2? 

47. Calculate mass in grams of 2.74 moles of KMnO4 

48. Calculate mass of 3.01 x 10^23 molecules of CO2. 

49.11 g of carbon is reacted with 32 g of oxygen to give CO2. Which one is limiting reactant? 

50. Find no. of oxygen atoms in 0.4 moles of ozone.

     Regards : Talha.    


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