Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay WHY I Love PAKISTAN
“Patriotism is a kind of religion ; it is the
egg from which wars are hatched.”
Love for one‘s motherland is a natural feeling . I love Pakistan because it is my mother-land. I was born and brought up in this country. Man cannot help loving the native place where he saw the light. I love Pakistan because its soil has gone into my bones and my being. My flesh-and blood are the product of this piece of earth. I eat its food, drink its water and breathe in its air, walk on its soil, live in a house made from its mud and hope to be buried in its soil after my death. So loving Pakistan is, in fac , loving myself .
“Love for one’s
country is an article of faith.”
Pakistan is dear to me for the sacrifices madé by our ancestors to win this homeland . They struggled hard to liberate it from the clutches of the English imperialists and prejudiced Hindus . Then our brave soldiers like Major Aziz Bhatti shed theie blood to protect this land from the evil designs of the aggressors .Every handful of its dust is mixed with the bload of these martyrs.So I love it .
“I only regret that I
have only one life to lost for my country.”
I love Pakistan because it is an Islamic state.I am a Muslim by birth, and it is only in Pakistan that I can get the spiritual pleasure of praying in a Mosque along with my other Muslim brothers . Although we have not yet been able to enforce Islam in this country fully, yet there is very hope that Islamic laws will come into force very soon.
I love Pakistan because it is not merely a piece of land to me but the cultural life in Pakistan has gone deep into my blood, and it makes this country very dear to me. The type of social life found in this country, its customs , traditions and. moral values have gone deep into my outlook of life. How can I enjoy life in a society where adulteration is not considered a s a sin? How can I be happy in country where I cannot talk to the People in my mother-tongue, or cannot hear Punjabi and Urdu songs?
“Lovely and
honourable ! it is to die for one’s country.”
I love Pakistan because members of my family, relatives and friends reside in this country. These persons are part of my life and I cannot think of living without them. They share my joys and sorrows, and have made my life charming and enjoyable, They are a great blessing that I have received from my mother-land. Therefore, it is my duty, as a son of this soil, to serve and love Pakistan as best as I can.
I love Pakistan because it is only in Pakistan that I Can enjoy full security of life , property and honour . I can buy here any kind of property m establish any kind of business , or join any government service . It is only in Pakistan that I enjoy the right to vote and can stand as a candidate for my office . Thus the rights available to me in this country cannot be guaranteed by any others government under the sun . On account of these reasons , I love Pakistan from the core of my heart and I am ready to make the greatest sacrifice for it’s survival and progress .
“The Patriot’s blood
is the seed of freedom’s tree .”
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