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1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 8)

 If you are in 1st year class

And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out 

Here is some short questions from chapter 8 of 1st year


1. What is difference b/w reversible & irreversible reactions? 

2. What is state of chemical (dynamic) equilibrium?

3. What is chemical equilibrium mixture?

4. What is law of mass action?

5. Derive Kc expression for the ester formation?

6. Derive Kc expression for the dissociation of PCl5?

7. Why the equilibrium constant value has its units for some of the reversible reactions, but has no units for some other reactions 

8. How does the equilibrium constant predict the direction of reaction?

9. How does the equilibrium constant predict the extent of reaction?

10. What are Kp & Kc. How they are related? 


11. Define Le-Chatlier principle 

12. What is the effect of concentration on the direction of reaction? 

13. In some reversible reactions direction of reaction is changed by changing the pressure.

14. What will be the effect of increase of pressure on the decomposition of PCl5?

15. The change of volume disturbs the equilibrium position for some of the gaseous phase eactions but not the equilibrium constant. Explain

16. The change of temperature disturbs the equilibrium position and the equilibrium constant of reactions. Justify 

17. What is the effect of rise in temperature on the solubility of KI in water?

18. The solubility of glucose in water is increased by increasing the temperature

19. How does a catalyst effect the reversible reaction? 


20. Write three ways to maximize the yield of NH3.

21. What will be the effect of change in pressure on NH3 synthesis? 

22. The NH3 synthesis in Haber process is an exothermic reaction, it should be favored at low temperature, but optimum temperature is 400 °C. Why

23. Write down optimum conditions for the synthesis of NH3 

24. What conditions are required for the best possible yield of SO3? 


25. What is ionic product of water? Why ionic product of water increases with increase of temperature? 

26. Define PH & POH. How are they related to PKw?

27. Define ionization constant of Acids (Ka)& ionization constant of bases (Kb)

28. Define PKa& PKb. Is it true that their sum is always equal to 14?

29. Why the sum of PH & POH of any aqueous solution is always equal to 14.

30. What is Lowry-Bronsted acids and bases? Give example

31. What is PH of 10^-4 moles of HCl 

32. What is the PH of 10^-4 moles of Ba(OH)2 


33. What is common ion effect? Give its application

34. How NaCl can be purified by common ion effect? 

35. Why NH4CI. is added before adding NH4OH solution for the preparation of 3rd group basic radicals?

36. Combination of HCI & H2S substances are used as a group reagent in a second group basic radical. Comment on it 


37. What are buffer solutions? Classify them (How buffer solutions are prepared) 

38. Why do we need buffer solution?

39. How do the buffer act? 

40. Represent Henderson 's equation for acidic and basic buffer solution?

41. What is buffer capacity?

42. A buffer solution has been prepared by 0.5M of CH3COOH in 1 dm of the solution.Calculate PH of the solution. (PKa= 4.74) 


43. Define solubility product 

44.Give two applicationa of solubility product 

45.Explain effect of common ion on solubility



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