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Showing posts from January, 2023



 Introduction of Depression :- Moods naturally fluctuate and everyone experiences ups and downs in their lives, but in some cases mood swings can become long-term debilitating and can impair someone's ability to hold down a job or maintain meaningful relationships It is estimated that about 10 percent of people will suffer from depression at some point in their lives, a mood disorder characterized by several symptoms: feel sad Desperate Unmotivated Overly tired And loss of interest in once pleasurable activities known as anhedonia Many people who has  depression also suffer from different problems like anxiety Depression :- Neuroimaging studies reveal that many brain circuits that normally regulate mood are dysregulated in depression. the amygdala  which is located deep in the brain, processes highly salient stimuli like rewards and potential threats. In depression, the amygdala is overactive and overreacts to negative events. The amygdala, in turn, connects to a set of


 What is overthinking? To think too much about (something): to spend too much time thinking or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful What causes thinking? While rumination itself is not a mental illness, it is associated with conditions including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. Rumination can be common in people with chronic pain and chronic illness in the form of negative thoughts about and healing from the pain. Sometimes worry and rumination can prompt the brain to connect with something beneficial or productive, explains Natalie Dattilo, Ph.D., a clinical health psychologist in Boston and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "Take worry, for example, which is a hallmark of generalized anxiety disorder," says Dattilo. Some people may feel that worrying shows they care or sets them up for the worst outcome, so it can easily become a habit – albeit one that you can (and should) break. HOW TO OVERCOM

Best ways to use your free time. What to do in your free time?

20 best ways to use your free time. What to do in your free time? If you have a large block of free time, the best way to use it is to relax, have fun, unwind from a stressful day or spend time with a loved one. But if you only have a small chunk – say 5 or 10 minutes – there's no time to do any fun stuff. So what to do in your spare time? Put these small chunks of time to their most productive use. Everyone works differently, so the best use of your free time really depends on you, your work style, and what's on your to-do list. But it is useful to have such a list so that you can quickly find a way to put the little free time to work immediately, without any thought. Use the following list as a way to spark ideas for what you can do in a short amount of time. 1. Reading files Cut out magazine articles or print out good articles or news to read later and save them in a folder labeled "Reading File." Take it wherever you are, and whenever you have a bit of

Make Money Online , 10 Best Ways to Make Money Online

  You may have been considering internet income if you're searching for a side business or new venture. Online income generation is quite easy if you know what you're doing. You can work on it from the convenience of your home, either full- or part-time. Who wouldn't like to earn some additional money while still in their pyjamas? This post will examine a variety of internet income streams. . To learn how to make money online, read this article. Can I make money online? Yes, you can earn money online.In reality, earning money online is a very common way to supplement your income or even support yourself full-time. Approximately 1 in 6 Americans, according to Pew Research, have earned money through online gig marketplaces.   There are several respectable methods to make money online, from freelance writing to opening your own online store. Is making money online fast? If you're wondering how to make money online, it's important to stay away from get-r


  ABOUT :- Windows 10 Pro is a powerful and feature-rich operating system from Microsoft, designed for use in business and professional environments. One of the key features of Windows 10 Pro is its ability to support multiple users, with each user having their own individual settings and preferences. This makes it ideal for use in an office setting, where multiple employees may need to use the same computer. Another important feature of Windows 10 Pro is its enhanced security features. It includes features such as device encryption, which helps to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, and a firewall that can be used to block unwanted network traffic. Windows 10 Pro also comes with a number of advanced features that are designed to help businesses and professionals stay productive. This includes support for remote desktop access, which allows users to access their desktop and files from anywhere, as well as support for virtualization, which allows multiple operating

Different Species of Cheetahs Present in the World

  Different Species of C heetah Present in the World :- There is only one species of cheetah, which is called Acinonyx jubatus. Cheetahs are found in various parts of Africa, as well as in a small population in Iran. There are several subspecies of cheetah, including: Acinonyx J ubatus V enaticus : -   Acinonyx jubatus venaticus, also known as the Asiatic cheetah, is a subspecies of cheetah found in Central Asia and the Transcaucasus region. It is the only remaining population of cheetahs in Asia, and is critically endangered with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the wild. The Asiatic cheetah is adapted to living in arid and semi-arid environments, and is found in grasslands, savannas, and steppes. It is slightly smaller in size compared to other subspecies of cheetah, and has a longer and thicker coat to help it survive in colder climates. The Asiatic cheetah is threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans. Conservation efforts are underway to protect t

Different Species of Owls Present in the World

  DIFFERENT SPECIES OF OWLS ALONG WITH THEIR PHOTOS :- Owls are one of the most iconic and fascinating groups of birds. With their large, forward-facing eyes, sharp talons, and silent flight, they have long captured the imaginations of people all over the world. There are more than 200 different species of owls, each with its own unique characteristics and behaviors. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the most interesting and diverse species of owls. Barn Owl :- The Barn owl (Tyto alba) is a medium-sized owl that is found on every continent except Antarctica. These owls are known for their distinctive appearance, with a heart-shaped face and long, thin legs, and their distinctive, soft hooting call. Barn owls are nocturnal predators that feed primarily on small mammals, such as mice and rats. They have excellent hearing, which helps them locate their prey even in complete darkness, and they are important predators in many ecosystems. Barn owls are found i