If you are in 1st year class
And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out
Here is some short questions from chapter 11 of 1st year
1. Give examples of slow, moderate and fast reactions.
2. Define chemical kinetics.
3. What is rate determining step
4. What is meant by rate of reaction? Describe graphically
5. What happens to the rate of chemical reaction with the passage of time?
6. The rate of reaction is ever changing parameter. Comment
7. The reaction rate decreases every moment, but the rate constant remains constant. Justify
8. What is average and instantaneous rate of reaction? Give expression
9. Describe rate or velocity constant. Write its unit
10. The unit of rate constant for second order reactions are dm3mol ^-1sec^-1 but the unit of rate of reaction is moldm^-3 ?. Justify
11. What is order of reaction? Classify reactions based on order
12. What type of information is obtained from the order of reaction?
13. What is pseudo first order reactions
14. The radioactive decay is always a first order reaction. How?
15. When reaction becomes zero order?
16. The order of reaction may be in fraction. Justify with example
17. The sum of the coefficient of the balanced chemical equation is not necessarily important to give the order of the reaction.
18. Write names of four methods to find order of reaction
19. Describe method of large excess to find order of the reaction
20. Describe half-life method to finding the order of reaction or (How half-life and initial concentrations are related to give order of the reaction)
21. Define half-life period and give its relationship with order of reaction
22. 50% of the first order hypothetical reaction completes in one hour. The remaining 50% requires more than one hour. Why?
23. Write names of physical method to find rate of reaction
24. What is optical rotation and dilatometric method to find rate of reaction?
25. Define activation energy & activated complex
26. What is difference b/w effective and non-effective collision (Why some reactions are slow)?
27. Names the factors which effect the rate of the reaction
28. How nature of reactant effect rate of reaction?
29. How surface area & light effects the rate of reaction
30. Discuss the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction.
31. What is Arrhenius's equation. (How temp. is related to rate constant)
32. What is catalysis & catalyst. Give examples
33. How catalyst effect the rate of reaction?
34. Differentiate b/w homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis?
35. Mention any four characteristics of catalyst
36. In many cases shining surface of catalyst becomes dull. Why
37. Catalyst required in a trace amount. Justify the statement
38. A particular catalyst is suitable for particular reaction. Justify the statement (A catalyst is specific in action. Justify the statement)
39. What is catalytic poisoning. Give two examples
40. What is meant by the statement “Catalyst for the catalyst"
41. What is negative catalyst. Give example
42. What are enzymes? Give two reactions in which they act as catalyst?
43. Give hydrolysis reactions of urea & glucose.
44. Describe the characteristics of enzyme act as catalyst
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