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1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 6)

 If you are in 1st year class

And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out 

Here is some short questions from chapter 6 of 1st year



1. Define chemical bond 

2. Why noble gases are most stable (least reactive)?

3. Explain octet rule. It is not universal. Comment 

4. Bond distance is a compromise distance b/w two bonded atoms


5. Define ionic and covalent radius.

6. Radius of an atom cannot be measured precisely. Give two reasons 

7. Write variation of atomic radius in periodic table?

8. Why ionic radius is greater than atomic radius (Why size of Cl' is greater than Cl)?

9. why size of cation is always smaller than neutral atom?

10. What is interionic distance. Explain with example


11. Define ionization energy How do it vary in periodic table?

12. Name four factors which effect ionization energy of atom

13. Why 2nd ionization energy is always greater than first ionization energy?

14. Ionization energy is the index of metallic character.

15. Define electron affinity. How do it vary in periodic table?

16. Why first electron affinity of atoms is negative while 2nd is positive?

17. Define electronegativity. How do it vary in periodic table? 

18. How does E.N difference decide the nature of ionic bond?


19. Define ionic bond with example

20. No bond is 100% ionic. Justify 

21. Define covalent bond with examples

22. Compare polar and non-polar covalent bonds

23. Write the Lewis structures of NH4OH & H2SO.?

24. What is coordinate covalent bond. Give one example 

25. Why the distinction b/w covalent and coordinate covalent bond vanish after bond formation in H3O+ and NH4+ 

26. Discuss the formation of ammonium ion 

27. Lewis model seems to be over simplified. Justify (Limitation of Lewis model)


28. What is VSEPR theory Write its two postulates

29. Why lone pair occupy more space than bond pair ?

30. What is order of repulsion b/w electron pairs?

31. Why the bond H2O & NH3 are not 109.5° like that of CH4, although O&N atoms are SP3 hybridized?

32. Why NH3 and NF3 have different bond angles?

33. Why NH3 & NH4+ have different structures?


34. What is valence bond theory? Give two postulates

35. Differentiate sigma and Pi bonds.

36. Pi bonds are more diffused than sigma bonds. (Pi bonds are weaker than sigma bonds.) Why? 

37. Define hybridization, SP3, SP2, SP hybridization


38. What is meant by the term bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals?

39. Why energy of anti-bonding molecular orbitals are higher than bonding molecular orbitals?

40. He2 molecule is not formed. Why?

41. Explain the term bond order.

42. Why MOT is superior to VBT 

43. Why oxygen is paramagnetic?


44. Define bond energy. Write factors that determine the strength of bond energy.

45. Why abnormality in bond length and bond strength in HI is less prominent than HCI? 

46. What is dipole moment? Give its various units

47. How %age of ionic character in a bond is determined?

48. Why the dipole moment of CH4 is zero? 

49. The dipole moment of CO2 is zero and that of H20 is 1.85 D (Dipole moment of CO2 is zero but that of SO2 is 1.61 D).

50. Compare dipole moment of CO & CO2. Give reason 



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