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1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 10)

 If you are in 1st year class

And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out 

Here is some short questions from chapter 10 of 1st year


1. Define electrochemistry?

2. Differentiate oxidation & réduction 

3. Explain the difference b/w electrolytic cell & voltic cell, 


 4. Write four rules used to assign oxidation state of element.

5. What is oxidation no. of hydrogen & oxygen in their compounds?

6. Calculate oxidation no. of Cl in Ca(CIO3)2, NaCI, KCI & KClO3

7. Calculate oxidation no. of Cr in Cr2(SO4)3& Cr2O7^-2

8. What is oxidation no.? Determine Oxidation No. of P in H3PO4

9. Calculate the oxidation no. of S in SO4^2-& Mn in KMnO4 


10. What is difference b/w metallic and electrolytic conduction? 

11. Define electrolysis and ionization.

12. Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride. 

13. Give cathodic & anodic reaction of electrolysis reactions of aqueous solution of NaCl 

14. The electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl five Na at cathode but those of NaNO3 give H2 gas. Why 

15. Give two applications of electrolytic process of industrial importance 

16. What is anodized aluminum? How it is made? 

17. How aluminum is extracted in electrolytic cell? 

18. How impure Cu is purified in electrolytic cell? 


19. Write construction of Galvanic cell 

20. How Zn-Cu galvanic cell is represented? 

21. Write down the function of salt bridge. (A salt bridge maintains the electrical neutrality in the cell, explain) 

22. How the chemical energy is converted to electrical energy in Galvanic cell


23. What is electrode potential 

24. What is standard hydrogen electrode?

25. SHE acts as anode when connected with Cu electrode but as cathode when connected with Zn electrode. Give reason

26. Why oxidation potential of Zn is 0.76 V but its reduction potential is -0.76 V. 

27. SHE is the reference electrode to assign the reduction potential to the electrode. Comment


28. Define electrochemical series 

29. Alkali metals like Li, Na, K are easily oxidized while coinage metals Cu, Ag, Au are difficult to oxidized. Why? 

30. Zn act as anode when connected to Cu but is cathode when connected to Al. Why 

31. Cu2+ can oxidize Zn in Galvanic cell but Zn2+ cannot oxidize Cu. Why

32. What is EMF of the cell?

33. How does electrochemical series tell us the distinction b/w oxidizing and reducing agent? 

34. Mg can displace hydrogen from acids, but Pt cannot. Give reason

35. Na & K can displace hydrogen from the acids but Pt, Pd and Cu cannot. Why

36. Fe can displace Cu from CuSO4, but Zn cannot displace Mg froin MgSO4.comment


37. Differentiate primary & secondary cells? 

38. What are the difference b/w a cell and a battery? 

39. What is lead accumulator? 

40. Why a porous plate or salt bridge is not used in lead storage battery?

41. Lead accumulator is rechargeable battery. Comment 

42. Give the reactions of discharging of lead storage battery 

43. Write down reactions in alkaline, silver oxide and NICAD battery 

44. Write uses of Silver oxide battery 

45. Write construction of fuel cell. 

46. How power is generated using fuel cell? Write its uses 



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