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1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 4)

 If you are in 1st year class

And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out 

Here is some short questions from chapter 4 of 1st year



1. What are amorphous and crystalline solids. Write their properties

2. How crystalline solids can be changed into amorphous solids? 

3. What are crystallites?

4. What is cleavage plane & anisotropy?

5. Why graphite is conductor parallel to the layer only?

6. Define symmetry Name symmetric elements

7. What is habit of a crystals. How Cubic habit of NaCl can be changed?

8. Define isomorphism why it is possible

9. Define polymorphism with examples.

10. What is allotropy and transition temperature.


11. What is crystal lattice and lattice sites

12. What is unit cell. Write its properties

13. What are crystallographic elements (unit cell dimensions)? 


14. Why ionic crystalline solids have high melting and boiling points? 

15. Why NaCl and Csf have same geometry?

16. Why ionic compounds have formula mass and not the molecular mass?

17. Write properties of ionic solids.

18. Define lattice energy why it decreases by increasing size of cation or anion?


19. What are covalent solids. Classify them

20. Why covalent solids have open structure?

21. Why covalent solids are non-conductor?

22. Write about the solubility of covalent solids

23. Write properties of covalent solids


24. What are molecular solids. Give examples. Which type of forces are present among them? 

25. Why molecular solids are soft and easily compressible?

26. Write properties of molecular solids 

27. What is dry ice. Mention the type of solid to which it belongs?


28. What is electron gas theory?

29. What is band theory? 

30. Why metals are good conductor of heat and electricity? 

31. Why metals are malleable and ductile

32. Why metals show luster?

33. What are crevices or voids?

34. Explain cubic close packing and hexagonal close packing in the structure of metals 



1. What are intermolecular (vander waals) forces? Write their names 

2. Intermolecular forces are weaker than intramolecular forces. Give reason

3. Define dipole-dipole forces. On what factors these forces depends?

4.What is effect of dipole-dipole forces on thermodynamic properties of a compound?

5. What is dipole-induced dipole (Debye) force? 

6. Dipole-dipole forces are stronger than London dispersion forces

7. What are London forces. Which type of compounds have these forces?

8. Define polarizability

9. I2 is solid while F2 is gas at room temperature? (B.P of halogens increase down the group) 

10. Why boiling point of noble gases increase down the group?

11. Why boiling point of hydrocarbons increase with increase in no. of carbon atoms?


12. What is Hydrogen Hydrogen bonding? How it is different from simple dipole-dipole interaction?

13. Explain hydrogen bonding in chloroform and acetone 

14. Why HF is weak acid than other halogen acids?

15. Why CH4 has low boiling point?

16. Why water has higher boiling point than HF?

17. Water is liquid while H2S is gas at room temperature. Justify 

18. Why alcohols and carboxylic acids are water soluble while hydrocarbons are water insoluble

(Is it true that polar compounds are soluble in polar solvents) (Why water and ethanol can mix in all proportion) 

19. Ice floats on the surface of water. Justify

20. Water freeze from surface to downward direction in ponds and lakes. Justify

21. How fish and plants survive in cold areas under the blanket of ice? (Low density of ice has good significance) 

22. How soap perform cleansing action?


23. Define evaporation. On what factors it depends? 

24. Define vapor pressure On what factors it depends?

25. What is effect of temperature on vapor pressure. Explain with example

26. The vapor pressure of solid is far less than that of liquid. Give reason 

27. Define boiling point & molar heat of vaporization 

28.What is effect of external pressure on boiling point

29. Why things are cooked easily in pressure cooker 

30. What is vacuum distillation. Write its advantage

31. Define molar heat of fusion and molar heat of sublimation

32. Why molar heat of sublimation and vaporization is greater than molar heat of fusion? 


33. How liquid crystals were discovered

34. What are liquid crystals. Write their properties

35. Write use of liquid crystals in skin thermography (Medical use of liquid crystals) 

36. Write two applications of liquid crystals

37. How liquid crystals act as temperature sensors? 



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