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I hope all of you are fine and happy . You are reading TN WRITES . In today’s  post I am going to tell you about key words/Sentences to understand and learn Endocrine Glands from Chapter 17 of Biology (2nd year class). On the last you can also find a pdf file in which all of this is available in table form you can also download that pdf file through GOOGLE  DRIVE ………

So Let’s Start :-‘’’’’’’

Table of contact :-

Gland /Hormone :-

Somatotrophic hormone

Control of Secretion :-

Somatotrophin releasing factor

Functions :-

> Growth and development

>Cell growth and cell division

>Increase rate of protein synthesis after adolescence

Hypo secretion :-


>Symptoms associated with lack of thyroid and adrenal hormones

Hyper Secretion :-

>During childhood = Gigantism

>Adult life = Acromegaly

>Enlarged hands and feet , Skull , nose & Jaw bone


Gland /Hormone :-

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Control of Secretion :-

Thyrotrophin Releasing factor (TRF)

Functions :-

Stimulate thyroid gland and increase their No. Of secretions

Hypo secretion :-


Hyper Secretion :-



Gland /Hormone :-


Control of Secretion :-


>Steroid level in blood

>Stress like cold,heat,pain,fright,infections

Functions :-

Syimulate secretion of corticosteroids

Hypo secretion :-

Disturbance of normal Adrenal function

Hyper Secretion :-

Disturbance of normal Adrenal function


Gland /Hormone :-

Gonadotrophic hormone , FSH , LH , ICSH , Prolactin , LTH

Control of Secretion :-

>FSH and LH

> Gn RH

>Prolactin (Produced from pituitary inhibited by PIF from hypothalamus )

Functions :-


> In Females

1. Stimulates follicles development

2. Secretion of estrogen

> In Males

1. Sperms production

2. Development of germinal epithelium of testes

• Prolactin

1. Milk production


1. Ovulation (With FSH)

2. Maintain corpus luteum (With prolactin)

• ICSH (Only in males )

1. Secrete testosterone


Gland /Hormone :-

MSH ( From median lobe of pituitary )

Control of Secretion :-

>Inhibited by MSH inhibitory hormone >External light

Functions :-

>Stimulate production of melanin by melanocytes in skin and hair

Hyper Secretion :-

>Increase in pregnancy and in ADDISON'S DISEASE

>Darkening of skin


Gland /Hormone :-

Anti-Diuretic hormone (ADH)

Control of Secretion :-


>Decrease in blood volume

>Low blood pressure

>Osmotic pressure of blood detected by osmoreceptors in Hypothalamus

Functions :-

Reabsorption of water from collecting duct

Hypo secretion :-

>Diabetes Inspidus

•Increase dilute urine

•Increse thrist

Hyper Secretion :-

Kidney Problems


Gland /Hormone :-


Control of Secretion :-

>Distention of cervix

>Decrease progesterone level

>Nervous stimuli during parturition and suckling

Functions :-

>Induce labour pain

>Milk ejection

Hypo secretion :-

Decrease labour contraction

Hyper Secretion :-

Rupturing of uterine wall3


Gland /Hormone :-

Thyroid Gland

    >Two lobes

    >Either side of trachea inferior to larynx




Control of Secretion :-

>Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

>Rapid growth period

>Sexual maturation

>Stress like cold and hunger

Functions :-

>T3 and T4

  •Increase basal metabolic rate by glycolysis and generate ATP

  •Growth , and act directly on brain cells causing them to differentiate (with somatotrophic Hormone)

  •In Amphibians , they bring about the process of metamorphosis

  •Development of nervous system in fetus and infants

  •Increase motility GIT

Hypo Secretion :-


•Abnormal development

•Small coarse scanty hair

•Thick Yellow scaly skin

•Mentally retarded

•Sexually immature

  Later in Life Due to Deficiency of lovline causes - GOITER

>Adult - Myxedema

•Deposition of excess fat

•Increase weight

•Puffiness of hands and skin

•Mentally retarded

Hyper Secretion :-

>Graves' Disease

  Production of Abnormal Protein that stimulate Thyroid Gland

•Exophthalmic goiter

•Increase B.M.R

•Cardiac failure (If Prolonged)


Gland /Hormone :-


Control of Secretion :-

High calcium in blood

Function :-

Deposit calcium in bones

Hpyo Secretion :-

Disturbance in function of muscle and Nervous System and Kidney Stones 

Hyper Secretion :-

 Disturbance in function of muscle and Nervous System


Gland /Hormone :-

Parathyroid gland

 >Posterior Part in Lateral Lobe of Thyroid    

 >Four in Number


Control of Secretion :-

Low calcium in blood

 Functions :-

Control Calcium level in Blood

 Hypo secretion :-


Hyper Secretion :-

Muscle weakness Bone weakness Kidney stones


Gland /Hormone :-

Adrenal medulla



Control of Secretion :-


Functions :-


•Dilate blood vessels of Skeletal muscles and increase heart output


•Vaso constriction of gut

•Both increase blood pressure Release of glucose from liver glycogen

Hypo secretion :-

Cannot face stress situation

Hyper Secretion :-



Gland /Hormone :-

Adrenal cortex

 •Glucocorticoids (cortisol)

 • Corticosterone

 •Mineralocorticoid (Aldosterone)

 • Androgens

 Control of Secretion :-

Glucose and mineral levels in the blood

 Functions :-


    • Regulate blood glucose level by protein breakdown


   •Regulate mineral ion balance by preventing loss from kidney.


   •Regulate Glucose and mineral ion balance in the body


  •Development of secondary male characters.

Hypo secretion :-


  •Weakness of muscle action

  •Loss of salts

  •Stress situation can cause death

Hyper Secretion :-


  Excess increase of Protein breakdown cause Muscle & bone weakness.


  In female development of male characteristics









    •17 B Hydroxy testosterone

Control of Secretion :-


  Ripening (Graffian) follicles



Ruptured Follicles

•Corpus luteum in response to LH



•From sex organs of Fetus

Functions :-


•Heal and repair endometrium

•Release LH from Pituitary

•Make uterine cells glandular to provide nutrition to the embryo


•Inhibit FSH

•Thickening & vascularization of endometrium

•Maintain pregnancy

•Suppresses ovulation


•Mature male reproductive organs

•Secondary sex characters

•Sex drive

•Sperm production

Hypo Secretion :-


 •Sexually immature

 •Sterility in adults


 •Decreases chances of pregnancy

 •Early menstruation



•Femine characteristics

•Male sterility

Hyper Secretion :-

 Abnormal growth in uterus 


Gland/Hormone :-




Control of Secretion :-


  •Protein Food in Stomach

  •Mucosa of pyloric region of Stomach


  • Acidic Chyme

Functions :-


   Secrete Gastric Juice  


   Bile and Pancreatic Secretion


Gland/Hormone :-

>PANCREAS (Islets of Langerhans)   •INSULIN


Control of Secretion :-


  High GLUCOSE in Blood from Beta cells of Langerhans


Low Glucose in Blood from  alpha cells of Langerhans

Functions :-


  Decrease Glucose Concentration in Blood by


   •Increase Use of Glucose in Cellular respiration



  •Convert Glycogen to glucose

  •Increase breakdown of fats

Hypo Secretion :-



  •TOXIC metabolites from fat accumulate



Hyper Secretion :-


   • Hypoglycemia




You can also find the whole data I have mentioned above in  table form available as PDF file . You can also download this pdf file for future use ………

to access the pdf file just click the below download pdf file text

                                       Download PDF File


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