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MY HOBBY .. Essay post for students .(Essay post)

   Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay MY  HOBBY  


“Blessed is the man who has hobbies”

Through the course of our lives , we bide our time doing particular taskes that may either help  us earn our living or build the staircases to our future and careers . However , amidst these compulsory tasks , most of us also do something which we enjoy doing . Such activities are called ‘Hobbies’.

Hobbies are activities which helps us escape the daily routine of life and work and give us pleasure and peace of mind . Because we are not being ordered to perform certain jobs which we may not be fond of, hobbies help inculcate an appreciation for work rather than driving us away from it.

“What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.”

The interesting thing about hobbies is that they dramatically improve our own personalities and character traits, therefore improving our performances better on the whole. They help us discover talents and abilities which we may never have known ourselves to possess , also giving us an insight of all the elements around us, making us learn new things each day. For instance, hobbies like stamp collecting, bird watching, photography, sports and music make our time worthwhile and give us information about different things.

My hobby is gardening. The joy of witnessing  blooming flowers  and leaves fills my heart with a sense of achievement, and realization of the fact that the work of my own hands is bearing fruit definitely gives me pleasure.

"God Almighty first planted a garden. And, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasure."

Gardening also helps keep me fit, strong and healthy because working away in my garden results in the beneficial kind of exercise that is good for both mind and body.I inherited the love for gardening from my mother and now with her help and interest, I have prepared a small garden in front of our porch. It is a thing of beauty with a grassy carpet and trimmed hedges .

"The best place to find God is in a garden, you can dig for him there."

The garden in front of my house is small, no doubt, but even then I  am proud of it because it is the result of my own hard labour. There are smaller beds of flowers in which I grow seasonal flowers. When the plants bear blossoms, I feel a thrill of joy in my mind and take pride in my creative labour .

"Each flower is a soul opening out to nature."

Surrounded by the beds of flowers is a smaller lawn with soft velvety  green grass. I am very fond of this lawn and take pride in maintaining it trim, tidy and neat. In the evening, we sit in this lawn, chat and discuss several things.I have grown fruit trees along  the fringes of the grass lawn. Some of the fruit trees yield fruits but most of them are still young. Whenever any one of my friends comes, I offer him the fruits of my own garden with pride. The grapes, guavas and pomegranates of my garden are very sweet and juicy. Last year, I planted a mango sapling which to the surprise of my friends, relatives and even myself, has borne fruit this year. Whenever any visitor comes to my house these days, I very proudly invite his attention to the hardly two feet tall tree that bears the fruit. This little garden is a place where I find peace and happiness.

"From the gardens of plants do I move towards the gardens of inner joy. The flowers dance on leaves.

And ideas dance on heart beats and mind."

it is always a great feeling to have my garden admired and appreciated  by other people and it helps me feel that I have accomplished  a great goal.

Remember me in your prayers ......

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