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Showing posts from December, 2022


WHY I Love PAKISTAN .. Essay post for students .(Essay post)

 Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay  WHY I Love PAKISTAN  “Patriotism is a kind of religion ; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.”  Love for one‘s  motherland  is a natural feeling . I love Pakistan because it is my mother-land. I was born and brought up in this country. Man cannot  help loving the native place where he saw the light. I love Pakistan because its soil has gone into my bones and my being. My flesh-and blood are the product of this piece of earth. I eat its food, drink its water and breathe in its air, walk on its soil, live in a house made from its mud and hope to be buried in its soil after my death. So loving  Pakistan is, in fac , loving myself . “Love for one’s country is an article of faith.” Pakistan is dear to me for the sacrifices madé by our ancestors to win this homeland . They struggled hard to liberate it from the clutches of the English imperialists and prejudiced Hindus . Then our brave soldiers like

MY HOBBY .. Essay post for students .(Essay post)

   Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay MY  HOBBY   . “Blessed is the man who has hobbies” Through the course of our lives , we bide our time doing particular taskes that may either help   us earn our living or build the staircases to our future and careers . However , amidst these compulsory tasks , most of us also do something which we enjoy doing . Such activities are called ‘Hobbies’. Hobbies are activities which helps us escape the daily routine of life and work and give us pleasure and peace of mind . Because we are not being ordered to perform certain jobs which we may not be fond of, hobbies help inculcate an appreciation for work rather than driving us away from it. “What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.” The interesting thing about hobbies is that they dramatically improve our own personalities and character traits, therefore improving our performances better on the whole. They help us discove

MY HERO IN HISTORY + ALLAMA IQBAL .. Essay post for students ... (Essay post)

 Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay MY HERO IN HISTORY “The true definition of hero is a man of distinguished valour , bravery , courage , boldness and daring” Our country is proud of being a birthplace of great heroesand Immortal souls like Muhammad Ali Jinnah , Muhammad Ali Johar , Sir Syed Ahmad Khan , Allama Muhammad Iqbal and many more who   have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country . Among them I prefer Allama Muhammad Iqbal as my favourite hero . “The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world.” Sir Muhammad Iqbal widely   known as Allama Iqbal , was a poet , philosopher and politician. He is regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movemnt . He is called the “Spiritual father of Pakistan”. “A hero is a man who does what he can.” Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot I 1877 . He came of a respected Kashmiri family . His parents were pious and God-fearing . They taught him with keen devotion and interest . He

A VISIT TO A HISTORICAL PLACE . Essay post for students ..(Essay post)

   Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay A VISIT TO A HISTORICAL PLACE “Historical Places are character of history based on or concerned with events in history.” Historical buildings tell us the history of the past. These buildings are visited by thousands of persons every year. These buildings give immense   enjoyment to the visitors. They come to see these splendid monuments   not only for pleasure but to get knowledge related to them. Fortunately, Pakistan is a country where there are many historical places worth-seeing . I live in Lahore. So I got an opportunity to visit many famous historical buildings like Tomb of Jahangir, Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort, Minar-e-Pakistan etc, I had a keen desire to visit Taj Mahal situated in India as I had read a lot dream-like descriptions about it. "What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare." My joy knew no bounds  when my uncle, residing in Agra, invited us to

A PICNIC . Essay post for students. (Essay post)

  Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay A PICNIC ... "Unless you are at a picnic, life is no picnic.” A picnic is a short trip for pleasure to a beautiful place. Picnics add spice  to our life. They provide much relief  from our routine life. They are a great stress buster  as they help reduce the stress and anxiety related to work and home. They refresh out tired nerves. Picnics give Students a temporary relief from their studies. After enjoying a picnic , they feel  fresh and take up their studies with renewed vigor. Every school  and college arranges picnics for its students. "People who cannot find  time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness." Just the word ‘picnic’ brings a cheer and smile to the face of students, whether simply going to a park or a historical monument  or any other place. The atmosphere is one of excitement, fun and frolic . “Nothing's better than a picnic." Our class

MY AIM IN LIFE . Essay post for students .(Essay post)

 Hi . This is TNWRITES . In today's post we are going to discuss abour essay MY AIM IN LIFE .... “your goals are the road maps that guide you and show what is possible for your life. " Aim or goal simply means an ambition or a desire  for one's future which helps in keeping attention focused on a particular target. Once the goal is set, all our thoughts and efforts  are channelized in a specific direction leading towards the target. Our intense desire of achieving our aim replenishes us with self-confidence , optimism , stamina and enthusiasm . "What keeps me going is goals." Our intense desire to achieve our goal rejuvenates our minds in all possible ways. Thus we can say that setting an aim in life and being  passionate enough to achieve it do not only direct our life to a particular destination but  also sharpen  and strengthen our  mind and body, thereby firming  our. character in totality. "Success belongs to those who are goal-oriented, determined and

The following program reads the letter from A to Z and prints it's corresponding telephone digit. This program uses a sentinal controlled while loop . To stop the program user is promoted for the sentinal which is # .

  The following program reads the letter from A to Z and prints it's corresponding telephone digit. This program uses a sentinal controlled while loop . To stop the program user is promoted for the sentinal which is # . SOURCE  CODE :- #include <iostream>  using namespace std;  int main()  {  char letter ; cout << "This is a program to convert uppercase Letter from A to Z into their corresponding telephone digit " << endl ; cout << "To stop this program enter # " << endl ; cout << "Enter an uppercase letter : " << endl ; cin >> letter ; while (letter != '#' ) { cout << "The letter you entered is " << letter << " and the corresponding telephone digit is : " << endl ; if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z' ) { switch (letter) { case 'A' : case 'B' : case 'C' : cout << "2" << endl ; bre

Quiz. Project Source Code C++ For Biggners ,, Quiz. Game Using if else statements..

INTRODUCTION :-                                             My project is simply a quiz game . This quiz consist of ten questions . Every question has one mark . If user pick correct option than it will add one mark . If user pick wrong option , than no negative marking done . Passing marks is 6 . The result will be shared at the end . And you will be informed about that you are pass or fail . This source code of this  Quiz Game consist different functions , conditional sentences , loop etc .   SOURCE  CODE :- #include <iostream> //header file using namespace std; //header file int playquiz () ; //function prototype int main()  {     int finalresult ; //declare a data type     char playagain ; //declare a char data type     finalresult = playquiz() ; //function call     while (finalresult >= 6 ) //loop     {     cout << "Your final score is " <<finalresult << endl ; //simple output statement         cout << "You are Pass" <<