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Showing posts from October, 2021


1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 11)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 11 of 1st year INTRODUCTION   1. Give examples of slow, moderate and fast reactions.  2. Define chemical kinetics.  3. What is rate determining step RATE OF REACTION  4. What is meant by rate of reaction? Describe graphically  5. What happens to the rate of chemical reaction with the passage of time?  6. The rate of reaction is ever changing parameter. Comment 7. The reaction rate decreases every moment, but the rate constant remains constant. Justify  8. What is average and instantaneous rate of reaction? Give expression  9. Describe rate or velocity constant. Write its unit 10. The unit of rate constant for second order reactions are dm3mol ^-1sec^-1 but the unit of rate of reaction is moldm^-3 ?. Justify  ORDER OF REACTION   11. What is order of reaction? Classify reactions based on order  12. What type of information is obt

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 10)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 10 of 1st year INTRODUCTION   1. Define electrochemistry? 2. Differentiate oxidation & réduction  3. Explain the difference b/w electrolytic cell & voltic cell,  OXIDATION STATE  4. Write four rules used to assign oxidation state of element. 5. What is oxidation no. of hydrogen & oxygen in their compounds? 6. Calculate oxidation no. of Cl in Ca(CIO3)2, NaCI, KCI & KClO3 7. Calculate oxidation no. of Cr in Cr2(SO4)3& Cr2O7^-2 8. What is oxidation no.? Determine Oxidation No. of P in H3PO4 9. Calculate the oxidation no. of S in SO4^2-& Mn in KMnO4  ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTION & ELECTROLYTIC CELL   10. What is difference b/w metallic and electrolytic conduction?  11. Define electrolysis and ionization. 12. Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.  13. Give cathodic & anodic reaction of elect

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 9)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 9 of 1st year   SOLUTIONS AND CONCENTRATION UNITS   1. Define phase, solution, solute & solvent. 2. What is meant by w/w , w/v, v/w & v/v composition of the solution? 3. How will you prepare 5 % w/v urea solution in water? 4. Define molarity of a solution. How is molarity related to mass of solute? 5. Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 41.4 g of K2CO3 dissolves in 500 cm3 of given solution. Molar mass of K2CO3 is 138 g mol^-1 6. Calculate the molarity of solution containing 4.5 g of NaOH dissolved in 500 cm3 of solution  7. Define molality. Explain with one example 8. One molal solution is dilute as compared to one molar solution of glucose.(Why a molar solution is more concentrated than a molal solution)  9. The concentration in term of molality is independent of temperature but molarity depends on temp.

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 8)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 8 of 1st year  STATE OF CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM   1. What is difference b/w reversible & irreversible reactions?  2. What is state of chemical (dynamic) equilibrium? 3. What is chemical equilibrium mixture? 4. What is law of mass action? 5. Derive Kc expression for the ester formation? 6. Derive Kc expression for the dissociation of PCl5? 7. Why the equilibrium constant value has its units for some of the reversible reactions, but has no units for some other reactions  8. How does the equilibrium constant predict the direction of reaction? 9. How does the equilibrium constant predict the extent of reaction? 10. What are Kp & Kc. How they are related?  LE-CHATELIER PRINCIPLE  11. Define Le-Chatlier principle  12. What is the effect of concentration on the direction of reaction?  13. In some reversible reactions direction o

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 7)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 7 of 1st year  INTRODUCTION   1. What is thermochemistry Why it has limited scope? 2. What is the difference b/w exothermic & endothermic reactions? 3. What are thermochemical equations. Give two examples  4. Why is it necessary to mention physical and chemical states of reactant & products in thermochemical equations? 5. Why heat evolve in exothermic reactions & heat absorb in endothermic reactions? SYSTEM, SURRONDING AND STATE FUNCTION 6. Define system, surrounding& boundary with examples of each 7. Define state & state function with two examples SPONTANEOUS & NON-SPONTANEOUS REACTIONS 8. Differentiate spontaneous & non-spontaneous reactions 9. Explain that burning of candle (Coal) is a spontaneous process. 10. Is it true that non-spontaneous process never happened in the universe? Explain 11. Is

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 6)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 6 of 1st year    INTRODUCTION 1. Define chemical bond  2. Why noble gases are most stable (least reactive)? 3. Explain octet rule. It is not universal. Comment  4. Bond distance is a compromise distance b/w two bonded atoms ATOMIC, IONIC & COVALENT RADIUS  5. Define ionic and covalent radius. 6. Radius of an atom cannot be measured precisely. Give two reasons  7. Write variation of atomic radius in periodic table? 8. Why ionic radius is greater than atomic radius (Why size of Cl' is greater than Cl)? 9. why size of cation is always smaller than neutral atom? 10. What is interionic distance. Explain with example IONIZATION ENERGY, ELECTRON AFFINITY & ELECTRONEGATIVITY   11. Define ionization energy How do it vary in periodic table? 12. Name four factors which effect ionization energy of atom 13. Why 2nd ionization e

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 5)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 5 of 1st year CATHODE RAYS  1. Which observations tell the presence of cathode rays in discharge tube? 2. Why is it necessary to decrease the pressure in discharge tube to get cathode rays? 3. Write four properties of cathode rays? 4. How will you prove that cathode rays are material particle with negative charge? 5. Which property of cathode rays show that they travel in a straight line? 6. Why e/m value of cathode rays is just equal to that of electron? 7. Whichever material is used as cathode, the nature of cathode rays remains same. Justify 8. Cathode rays can cause a chemical change. Justify POSITIVE RAYS  9. Why positive rays are also called canal rays? 10. What is the reason for the production of positive rays? 11. Write four properties of positive rays 12. The e/m value of positive rays for different gases is different

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 4)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 4 of 1st year   SOLIDS  INTRODUCTION & PROPERTIES 1. What are amorphous and crystalline solids. Write their properties 2. How crystalline solids can be changed into amorphous solids?  3. What are crystallites? 4. What is cleavage plane & anisotropy? 5. Why graphite is conductor parallel to the layer only? 6. Define symmetry Name symmetric elements 7. What is habit of a crystals. How Cubic habit of NaCl can be changed? 8. Define isomorphism why it is possible 9. Define polymorphism with examples. 10. What is allotropy and transition temperature. CRYSTALS AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION 11. What is crystal lattice and lattice sites 12. What is unit cell. Write its properties 13. What are crystallographic elements (unit cell dimensions)?  IONIC SOLIDS 14. Why ionic crystalline solids have high melting and boiling points?  15. Why

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 3)

 If you are in 1st year class And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 3 of 1st year INTRODUCTION   1.Why liquids are less common than solid and gases? 2. Compare the properties of gas, liquid and solids. 3. Define atmospheric pressure, write its various units  BOYLE'S LAWS   4. Define Boyle's law and give its mathematical expression  5. What are isotherms. What happened to their position at higher temperature? 6. The product of pressure and volume at constant temperature is constant quantity. Why? 7. The straight line of graph of P vs 1/V goes closer to pressure axis at higher temperature.why? CHARLES'S LAW  8. Define Charles's law and give its mathematical expression, 9. Charles's law is not obeyed when temperature is measured on Celsius scale. Justify 10. Write quantitative definition of Charles's law.  11. What is absolute zero. Give its relation with factor 1/273 in Ch

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 2)

  If you are in 1st year class  And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 2 of 1st year INTRODUCTION   1. Define analytical chemistry? 2. Differentiate qualitative and quantitative analysis? 3. What steps are involved in quantitative analysis? 4 . Mention various experimental techniques used for the purification of the substance. FILTRATION 5.What is filtration. Which factors dictate the choice of filter media? 6.Write four precautions of filtration through filter paper (what should be the size of funnel used for filtration)? 7. How filter paper is folded? 8. how rate of filtration through conical funnel can be increased (what is fluted filter paper)? 9. What is Gooch crucible. How does it increase the rate of filtration? 10. Write advantages of Gooch crucible (Conc. HCl and KMnO cannot be filtered by paper)? 11. What is sintered glass crucible Why it is preferred over Gooch crucible?  CRYSTALLIZAT

1st Year Chemistry Short Questions (Chapter 1)

 If you are in 1st year class  And searching for important short questions for your exams preparation than read it out  Here is some short questions from chapter 1 of 1st year Atom , MOLECULE & ION  1. What is meaning of atom? (What is Greek concept of atom) 2. What is Dalton 's theory about atorn? Give modem definition of atom  3 .Write about subatomic particles 4. What is Berzelius contribution about atom?  5. What is molecule. Give examples  6. What are macromolecules?  7. How cations are formed?  8. How anions are formed? 9. What are molecular ions? Give examples. How it is generated? 10. What is meant by relative atomic mass and atomic mass unit? 11. Define isotopes. How isotopes differ from one another? 12. Why isotopes have same chemical properties but different physical properties? 13. What are monoisotopic elements. Give examples  14. Why atomic masses of elements are usually in fractions?  Mass SPECTROMETRY   15. What is mass spectrometer? Write principal of mass spec

25 things you need to do for loss weight naturally

If you are also afraid of your high weight  Than don't worry here are some tips for you So that you can loss your weight easily and naturally without using any medicine. 1. Choose a product that is essential for a lifestyle diet as it will help you to save time on shopping a product that is suggested to be easier to purchase. Certain shops may also carry some products you may not have available, but will provide essential products that will provide relief for a lifestyle diet. The product you buy will indicate its brand so it is often safe to search online. 2. Do not stress about the fact that you do not have the time to consume a diet that is recommended to be easy to consume. Limit time to consume a diet if the initial product you are buying has more than one product that can be eaten by one. If a diet is expensive, opt for the only food source that is very easily accessible. 3. Also, do not overindulge yourself; instead, make small, smart choices. Some foods that are normally co

Funny Urdu Poetry

 میرا درد کمر ، کم ہوا دیکھ کر  نرس جب مسکرائی ، مزہ آ گیا  بھر کے ٹیکے مجھے جو لگائے گئے  جام تھے یا دوائی ، مزہ آ گیا  جس کی خاطر مجھے اس نے ٹھکرا دیا  ساتھ دیکھا جو اس کے وہی منچلا  اور پھر دوستو میری اک کال پر  آ گئے اس کے بھائی ، مزہ آ گیا  بال ابا کے کم ، قرض زیادہ ہوا  پھر بھی شادی کرا دی مری شکریہ  سونا پڑتا تھا پہلے زمیں پر مجھے  مل گئی چارپائی ، مزہ آ گیا  اپنی ممی کے کہنے میں آتی رہی  میری بیگم سبھی کو ستاتی رہی  اس کی بھاِبھی نے بھی اس کی ممی کے گھر  آگ ایسی لگائ ، مزہ آ گیا  بیویاں میری دونوں ہیں ظلم بڑی  آج دونوں کسی بات پر لڑ پڑیں  بال کھینچے گئے ، گال نوچے گئے دیکھ کر یہ لڑائی ، مزہ آ گیا  سیلری اپنی ابا کی پینشن لیے  سیدھے سسرال جا کر وہ حاضر ہوئے  ایک ہی دن میں سسرال والوں نے بھی  لوٹ لی سب کمائی ، مزہ آ گیا  عورتوں کے تقدس پہ تھی گفتگو  آ گئی بزم میں جونہی اک خوبرو  کھل کے کردار سب آ گئے سامنے  لٹ گئی پارسائی ، مزہ آ گیا  شعر کہنا تھا مجھ کو سیاست پہ بھی  اس لیے میں نے دن رات ریسرچ کی  کوئی بھی بات جس پہ مزہ آ سکے  جب کہیں بھی نہ پائی ، مزہ آ گیا

Lenovo Chromebook Duet Tablet

Lenovo Chromebook Duet Tablet  It's no secret , Chrome OS on tablets up to this point has not been a really good experience and we've had a few attempts and a lot of them have just not worked out that well and into this narrative lenovo has launched the Chromebook duet and I think it's attempt to change that story is working out quite.  If  you'd like to learn more about them and their services head over to this blog . Before we jump into all the parts of this review I want to mention one thing right up front that we normally hold towards the end because it informs so much about what we think about this Chromebook tablet and that's the price it starts at $279 that's what the keyboard included and that price is just absolutely bonkers and it changes the way that we have to look at just about everything with this device because no matter what this thing does it's going to get a pass all over the place because of the absolutely low price . Let's start with